
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. M. Anderson, Coe M. J.1974Decomposition of Elephant Dung in an Arid, Tropical Environment
J. R. Anderson, Merrit, R. W., Loomis, E. C.1984The insect-free cattle dropping and its relationship to increased dung fouling of rangeland pastures.
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R. C. Bergstrom, Maki, L. R., Werner, B. A.1976Small dung beetles as biological control agents: laboratory studies of beetle action on trichostronglid eggs in sheep and cattle feces
M. Bertone2006Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae) in North Carolina Pasture Ecosystem
G. F. Bornemissza1970Insectary studies on the control of the dung breeding flies by the activity of the dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella F. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae).
G. F. Bornemissza, Williams C. H.1970An effect of dung beetle activity on plant yield
R. P. Bryan1976The effects of dung beetle, Onthophagus gazella, on the ecology of the infective larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes of cattle
R. P. Bryan1973The effects of dung beetles activity on the numbers of parasitic gastrointestinal helmintic larvae recovered from pasture samples
Y. Cambefort1982Coleoptera-Scarabaeoidea S Str of Lamto (Ivory-Coast) - Structure of Populations, and Position in the Ecosystem
A. L. V. Davis1989Residence and breeding of Oniticellus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) within cattle pads: inhibition by dung-burying beetles
B. M. Doube, Giller, P. S., Moola, F.1988Dung burial strategies in some South African coprine and onitine dung beetles (Sacrabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
J. Feehan, Hughes, R. D., Bryce, M. A., Runko, S.1985Bush fly abundance and population events in relation to dung beetles catches on the south coast of New South Wales
G. T. Fincher1981The potential value of dung beetles in pasture ecosystems
G. T. Fincher1975Effects of dung beetle activity on number of nematode parasites acquired by grazing cattle
G. T. Fincher1973Dung beetles as biological control agents for gastrointestinal parasites of livestock
G. T. Fincher, Monson, W. G., Burton, G. W.1981Effects of cattle feces rapidly buried by dung beetles on yield and quality of coastal bermudagrass
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M. J. Gormally1993The effect of dung beetle activity on the discharge of Pilobus sporangia in cattle faeces
J. Gronvold, Sommer, C., Holter, P., Nansen, P.1992Reduced Splash Dispersal of Bovine Parasitic Nematodes from Cow Pats by the Dung Beetle Diastellopalpus-Quinquedens
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R. D. Hughes, Tyndale-Biscoe, M., Walker, J.1978Effects of introduced dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) on the breeding and abundance of the Australian bushfly Musca vetustissima Walker (Diptera: Muscidae).
M. J. Lee, Peng Y. - S.1981Influence of adult size of Onthophagus gazella on manure pat degredation, nest construction, and progeny size
A. Lindquist1933Amounts of dung buried and soil excavated by certain Coprini (Scarabaeidae)
A. Macqueen, Beirne B.1975Dung beetle activity and fly control potential of Onthophagus nuchicornis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in British Columbia
A. Macqueen, Beirne B. P.1975Effects of cattle dung and dung beetle activity on growth of beardless wheatgrass in British-Columbia
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A. Miller1954Dung Beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) and other insects in relation to human feces in a hookworm area of southern Georgia
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T. J. Ridsdill-Smith, Hayles L.1989 Re-examination of competition between Musca vetustissima Walker (diptera: Muscidae) larvae and seasonal changes in favorability of catle dung.
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T. J. Ridsdill-Smith, Hayles, L., Palmer, M. L.1986Competition between the bush fly and dung beetles in dung of differing characteristics
T. J. Ridsdill–Smith, Matthiessen J. N.1988Bush fly Musca vetustissima Walker (Diptera: Muscidae) control in relation to season abundance of scarabaeinae dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in south-western Australia
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T. S. Waghorn2002Influence of nematophagous fungi, earthworms and dung burial on development of the free-living stages of Ostertagia (Teladorsagia) circumcincta in New Zealand.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith