Seed fate of two Sapotaceae species in a Guianan rain forest in the context of escape and satiation hypotheses

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:S. Chauvet, Feer, F., Forget, P. M.
Journal:Journal of Tropical Ecology
Date Published:Jan
Accession Number:ISI:000188953600001
Keywords:dung beetles forest function

Seed removal by rodents was investigated for Manilkara huberi and Chrysophyllum lucentifolium in a French Guianan forest. According to the escape hypothesis, seed survival was expected to be greater in populations of low conspecific adult density, while on the contrary, under the satiation hypothesis, it was expected to be greater in populations of high density. The two plots under study showed opposite densities for the two studied tree species. Therefore, according to both hypotheses, seed survival at each plot was expected to be opposite between species. To assess seed fate, seeds were thread-marked in order to relocate them after removal and to determine whether they were consumed or scatterhoarded by rodents. Contrary to what was expected, our results showed that both M. huberi and C. lucentifolium had better survival in the same plot. This suggests that seed fate for both study species was not influenced by the density of conspecific adult trees, but was rather affected by other habitat characteristics, likely the global resource abundance. Variation in seed predation rates of both species seemed largely related to their respective fruiting period, while seatterhoarding rate seemed more affected by intrinsic seed characteristics.

URL:<Go to ISI>://000188953600001
Alternate Journal:J. Trop. Ecol.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith